Dandoy Bio Booster 100ml

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Dandoy Bio Booster 100ml In stock (372)

Dandoy Bio booster Booster without VOC and in accordance with the detection equipment (green light enez). Dandoy Bio Booster is the perfect alternative to the former speed glue. The handling of the spin and speed booster is similar, or even better than former speed glue. The effect of Bio Booster lasts for up 3 or 4 weeks and needs no special precautionary measures. An harmless, biodegradable and without by-oil product bio booster More speed and spin Instructions Apply 3 or 5 layers on the sponge (depending on desired power). Let dry before application of each additional layer. Wait at least 24 hours then rubber regains flat shape. Carefully check the thickness of the sponge & rubber together (Max allowed is 4.0mm). Stick the rubber to the blade with a non VOC glue. When you want reactivate your sponge/rubber for same results apply only 2 or 3 layers. Bio booster is not considered as VOC. Harmless, biodegradable, without petroleum derivative.

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